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Learn all about Investing in Floating Rate Funds

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What are Floating Rate Mutual Funds?

Floating rate mutual funds are distinct debt funds that primarily invest in instruments with changeable or floating interest rates. In contrast to fixed-rate alternatives, the interest on these tools adjusts in line with current market rates. This configuration offers potential protection from the challenges of interest rate fluctuations, creating a fresh investment pathway for those eager to navigate around specific market uncertainties.


Features of Floating Rate Funds

  • feature45.svgAdaptive interest rates
  • feature39.svgAttractive to diverse investor profiles
  • feature48.svgPotential capital preservation

Benefits of Investing inFloating Rate Mutual Funds

  • feature47.svg
    Hedging capabilities
  • feature30.svg
    Enhanced cash flow consistency
  • feature36.svg
    Tactical asset allocation
  • feature32.svg
    Reduced duration risk

Who Should Invest inFloating Rate Mutual Funds

  • investor1.svg
    Conservative Investors

    May find solace in floater debt funds, which typically prioritise stable instruments ensuring limited exposure to volatility.

  • investor2.svg
    Moderate Investors

    Could lean towards floating rate bond funds that strike a balance between safety and an enhanced return profile.

  • investor3.svg
    Aggressive Investors

    Can consider some of the best floating rate mutual funds that potentially offer a higher yield, albeit with increased risk.

Top Performing mutual funds

Scheme Name5 YValue Research 
There is no data for Top Performing Mutual Funds!


How do Floating Rate Mutual Funds differ from Fixed Deposit (FD) rates?

While both are debt instruments, the interest rate in FDs is fixed for the chosen tenure, irrespective of market fluctuations. On the other hand, floating rate mutual funds adjust their interest in line with prevailing market rates, thus potentially benefiting from a rising interest rate scenario.

Can Floating Rate Funds invest in equities?

Typically, floating rate funds majorly invest in debt securities with floating interest rates. However, they might invest a small portion in equities or other instruments, but this is subject to the fund’s investment objective and would be clearly stated in its scheme information document.

What’s the tax treatment for Floating Rate Mutual Fund returns?

The tax structure for floating rate funds mirrors that of debt mutual funds. If the investment is retained for under three years and there are short-term capital gains, they're incorporated into your income and taxed according to your income bracket. Meanwhile, long-term capital gains face a 20% tax, factoring in the benefits of indexation.

How do Floating Rate Mutual Funds fare during an economic downturn?

The performance of these funds during economic downturns varies. However, given their inherent design to adjust interest rates, they might exhibit more resilience than fixed-rate instruments, especially if the central bank adopts a rate-cutting stance to stimulate the economy.

Can I set up a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) with Floating Rate Mutual Funds?

Yes, similar to other mutual fund categories, you can invest systematically in floating rate funds using SIPs. This allows you to leverage the benefit of rupee cost averaging and potentially mitigate the impact of market volatility.