- Cash
Volume Analysis
SPOT Pivot Levels
Type | Classic | Fibonacci |
R1 | 115.00 | 115.00 |
R2 | 115.00 | 115.00 |
R3 | 115.00 | 115.00 |
PP | 115.00 | 115.00 |
S1 | 115.00 | 115.00 |
S2 | 115.00 | 115.00 |
S3 | 115.00 | 115.00 |
Particulars | Mar 2023 |
ROCE | 11.07 |
ROE | 9.08 |
EPS | 1.22 |
Peer Comparison
Scrip Name | Price | Daily change | M Cap | PE Ratio | 1 Year Return |
Corporate Action
- Announcements
- Board Meetings
- Dividends
- Bonus
- Rights
- Credit Rating
No data available
About Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd
Sharp Chucks and Machines Limited was originally incorporated in Jalandhar, Punjab as 'Sharp Garden Implements Private Limited', a private company pursuant to a certificate of incorporation dated June 10, 1994 issued by the Registrar of Companies. Subsequently, the name of Company was changed to 'Sharp Chucks And Machines Private Limited' vide Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to change of nam...
ISIN :INE460Q01014
Registered Office
A-12 Industrial Development,ColonyContact number
+ +0181 2610341/0181-2611763Email
Skyline Financial Services Pvt
D-153/A 1st Flr Okhla Industrial Are Phase-I New Delhi-110020Contact number
+ 91-11-26812682Management
- (Chairman)
Ajay Sikka (Director)
What is the share price of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd today on the BSE?
The share price of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
What is ‘Today’s High & Low’ share prices of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd on the BSE?
Today’s High share price of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
What is the market cap of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd today?
The market cap of Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd is - Cr as on -
What price did Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd shares open on BSE today?
Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd opened at - on BSE as on -
What was yesterday 's closing price for Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd shares on the BSE?
Sharp Chucks and Machines Ltd closed at - on BSE as on -