- Cash
Volume Analysis
SPOT Pivot Levels
Type | Classic | Fibonacci |
R1 | - | - |
R2 | - | - |
R3 | - | - |
PP | - | - |
S1 | - | - |
S2 | - | - |
S3 | - | - |
Peer Comparison
Scrip Name | Price | Daily change | M Cap | PE Ratio | 1 Year Return |
Corporate Action
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- Credit Rating
No data available
About Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd
Rane Computers Consultancy (RCCL) was incorporated in 1990 as a private limited company and is managed by chairman Dinesh A Rane. The company was converted into a public limited company in Mar.'92. RCCL offers a wide range of software solutions to customers in India and abroad and also high-quality computer training for various levels of management, in addition to regular computer courses. The one...
ISIN :INE749C01010
Registered Office
B-14 Borivili Shopping Centre,Chandavarkar Road Borivli (W)Contact number
+ 6011288/6015818Email
-Contact number
Dinesh A Rane (Chairman)
Dinesh A Rane (Director)
What is the share price of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd today on the BSE?
The share price of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
What is ‘Today’s High & Low’ share prices of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd on the BSE?
Today’s High share price of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
What is the market cap of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd today?
The market cap of Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd is - Cr as on -
What price did Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd shares open on BSE today?
Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd opened at - on BSE as on -
What was yesterday 's closing price for Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd shares on the BSE?
Rane Computers Consultancy Ltd closed at - on BSE as on -