- Cash
Volume Analysis
SPOT Pivot Levels
Type | Classic | Fibonacci |
R1 | 10.00 | 10.00 |
R2 | 10.00 | 10.00 |
R3 | 10.00 | 10.00 |
PP | 10.00 | 10.00 |
S1 | 10.00 | 10.00 |
S2 | 10.00 | 10.00 |
S3 | 10.00 | 10.00 |
Peer Comparison
Scrip Name | Price | Daily change | M Cap | PE Ratio | 1 Year Return |
Corporate Action
- Announcements
- Board Meetings
- Dividends
- Bonus
- Rights
- Credit Rating
No data available
About Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd
Jalan Transolutions (INDIA) Limited was originally incorporated in New Delhi, as 'Jalan Carriers Private Limited', on April 7, 2003,. The Company status was converted into a Public Limited Company, and the name was changed to 'Jalan Transolutions (INDIA) Limited', vide fresh Certificate of incorporation dated January 30, 2008, issued by Registrar of Companies, NCT of Delhi & Haryana.
The Compan...
ISIN :INE349X01015
Registered Office
206 Ajanara Bhawan D-Block,Market Vivek ViharContact number
+ 91-11-47675707Registrars
KFin Techologies Ltd
Karvy Selenium Tow-B 31&32 Financial Dist Nanakramguda Hyderabad-500032Contact number
+ 91-40-67162222Management
- (Chairman)
Manish Jalan (Director)
What is the share price of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd today on the BSE?
The share price of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
What is ‘Today’s High & Low’ share prices of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd on the BSE?
Today’s High share price of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd on the BSE is - as on -
What is the market cap of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd today?
The market cap of Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd is - Cr as on -
What price did Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd shares open on BSE today?
Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd opened at - on BSE as on -
What was yesterday 's closing price for Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd shares on the BSE?
Jalan Transolutions (India) Ltd closed at - on BSE as on -