- Cash
Volume Analysis
SPOT Pivot Levels
Type | Classic | Fibonacci |
R1 | 182.70 | 183.26 |
R2 | 191.60 | 186.44 |
R3 | 196.20 | 191.60 |
PP | 178.10 | 178.10 |
S1 | 182.70 | 183.26 |
S2 | 164.60 | 169.76 |
S3 | 155.70 | 164.60 |
Peer Comparison
Scrip Name | Price | Daily change | M Cap | PE Ratio | 1 Year Return |
Corporate Action
- Announcements
- Board Meetings
- Dividends
- Bonus
- Rights
- Credit Rating
No data available
About Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup
ISIN :IN9898S01027
Registered Office
MNDC MBP-P-136 MahapeContact number
+ 91-22-61501800Registrars
-Contact number
- (Chairman)
What is the share price of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup today on the BSE?
The share price of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup on the BSE is - as on -
What is ‘Today’s High & Low’ share prices of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup on the BSE?
Today’s High share price of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup on the BSE is - as on -
Today’s Low share price of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup on the BSE is - as on -
What is the market cap of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup today?
The market cap of Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup is - Cr as on -
What price did Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup shares open on BSE today?
Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup opened at - on BSE as on -
What was yesterday 's closing price for Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup shares on the BSE?
Aurum PropTech Ltd Partly Paidup closed at - on BSE as on -